Shortcut For Pasting Text Only Mac

5 min readJun 27, 2021

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The ‘PasteDestinationFormatting’ does not provide unformatted text. It matches the text that is at the destination point. Unfortunately, stupid Word for some reason likes to create that destination format depending on its mood at the time.

Active1 month ago

  1. To really get paste plain text in an MS Office application you would likely need something that could capture a regular paste command and then select the plain text icon from the formatting menu that pops up at the insertion point after you paste.
  2. Keep Text Only will only take the text and give it no other formatting. (Shortcut: Press CTRL+ T, to do this quickly after pasting). When this bubble appears, you can even choose which option to set as default.

iWork provides the keyboard shortcut Cmd-Option-Shift-V to paste text without it’s original formatting. How can I get this or a similar shortcut key for Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac?


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6 Answers

I found the answer in this blog post

Create the AppleScript:

Save in /Users/YourUserName/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items as Paste unformattedmosV.scpt (the backslashed bit at the end of the filename provides the shortcut). Restart Word and you can now paste without importing extraneous styles with Apple-Alt-Shift-V.


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There’s a ‘PasteDestinatationFormatting’ command.

Go to Tools > Customize Keyboard, then select ‘All Commands’ in the left pane.

In Word 2011, the default keys are command-option-shift-v.


Answer to the same problem but for Microsoft Word 2011: how to assign pasting as unformatted text to Cmd+V.


I don’t know about Word 2008 but for Word for Mac v16.16.7 (whatever edition that is), I was able to use a version of the Tools > Customize Keyboard solution. Once there, select Edit on the left and PasteTextOnly on the right. Then, add whatever keyboard shortcut you want, e.g., command+V. I have not extensively road tested this but it seems to work.

Shortcut For Pasting Values


Shortcut For Pasting Text Only Macy’s Black

This blog post describes a method by redefining Cmd-V to a custom macro:

  • Unbind Cmd-V from standard “Paste”.
  • Record a macro for Cmd-V.
  • Fix the source code of the new macro (by replacing wdPasteDefault with wdFormatPlainText).

If you want to keep standard ‘Paste’ functionality it might be better to use another key combination though.

This was fine as the medical transcribers in countries like India were working at very low wages. Software to transcribe audio to text for mac. But it was still an inefficient way to do things.


Shortcut For Pasting Text

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Ab AlsaudAb Alsaud

We’re looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don’t just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don’t include explanations may be removed.

If you assign a short cut key to ‘Paste Special..’ it’s just another quick DOWN and RETURN to paste without formatting.

Without Enhanced Dictation, your spoken words and certain other data are sent to Apple to be converted into text and help your Mac understand what you mean. As a result, your Mac must be connected to the Internet, your words might not convert to text as quickly, and you can speak for no more than 40 seconds at a time (30 seconds in OS X. Find specific words or phrases on a web page faster with these shortcuts for Safari on the Mac and iOS. How to Find Text Within a Page in OS X. A certain word or phrase. The Text Size on. Jun 07, 2012 When not on a macbook, you kan search for a sertaint word in the text, and replace it. For example if you find out that you have written a word wrong, you can corectt it everywhere in the text, by searching for that word. If you need a more extensive search of iOS messages, check out Chatology for Mac. You can focus on a specific date range or search by images and links. You can focus on a specific date range or search by images and links. Seaarch for a certain text in mac. In the second choose ‘Any’ or ‘Text. Choosing ‘Any’ may find more matches, while ‘Text’ will find files Mac OS X determines fall under the category ‘Text’. The number of search results will appear at the footer if the footer is shown.


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Applies to Word 2004 and earlier versions; see here for Word 2008

There is no way (yet) to set the default paste format, nor does Word have predefined commands in Tools>Customize for the various paste options. To get one click access to these, you need to install a macro that carries out the custom paste, and assign the macro to a toolbar or a keyboard shortcut.

Here are the macros you would need. If you haven’t a clue what to do with this gibberish, click here for installation instructions.

Normally, you could record these macros. While the macro recorder works for steps involving the paste options clipboard, it is broken for anything involving Edit>Paste Special.

Note: Word 2004 added a ‘Paste Options’ clipboard, the little icon that shows up at the bottom of newly pasted text. One of the options on this clipboard is ‘paste matching destination format.’ You can turn the paste options clipboard on and off via Word>Preferences>Edit.

Paste Unformatted Text


‘ equivalent to Edit>Paste Special>Unformatted Text and to using
‘ the smart button in Word 2004 to select ‘keep text only’

Selection.PasteSpecial datatype:=wdPasteText
End Sub

Paste and Match the Formatting in the Destination Document


‘ equivalent to using the paste options clipboard in Word 2004 to
‘ select ‘match destination formatting’ after pasting
‘ will not work in versions before Word 2004

Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatSurroundingFormattingWithEmphasis)
End Sub

Make the Macros Easy to Use

Keyboard Shortcut: Once the macros are installed in your Word setup, you can assign a keyboard command to them. Click Tools>Customize>Customize Keyboard, select Macros in the left column, select the appropriate macro in the right column, enter a keyboard shortcut below, and click Assign. Word will warn you if the shortcut is already assigned. Text edit for mac download.

Shortcut For Pasting Text Only Mac Miller

Toolbar Icon: Once the macros are installed in your Word setup, you can put them on a toolbar. Click Tools>Customize>Customize Toolbars/Menus, and go to the Commands panel. Select Macros in the left column, select the appropriate macro in the right column, click it and hold, and drag it to a toolbar.

What Is The Keyboard Shortcut For Pasting Text

Control-click or right-click the new toolbar icon and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, the View dropdown menu will let you set whatever combination of text and icon you prefer. The arrow next to the icon will produce a dropdown menu that lets you pick an icon. To create a custom icon, you must create your own picture (normally 20x20 pixels) in any image editor, and use the Paste Button Image command to transfer it to Word. New in Word 2004: you can also click Keyboard.. from the Properties dialog to assign a keyboard shortcut.

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